Okay, so it's no secret that I'm pregnant. I'm looking up articles about pregnancy and childbirth, etc. - I click on a link that says "The Joy of Delivery"
I'm sorry, but if I delivered THIS, I'm not sure "Joy" would be my first thought.
I'm telling you, it looks just like Mr. Magoo, not the Leslie Nielsen one either... I'm talking about those old cartoons based off Bob Backus' voice of Mr. Magoo...
what is that!?
What do you MEAN what is that?! It's Dick Cheney!
teri says:
well, 2 fools, considering your picture, I would think this is what your baby will look like....
have you thought about plastic surgery?
must be the angle of the shot. All babies are beautiful (in their own way.) looks like a grumpy old man!
Ahhhh yes, Jenn forever the optomist.
Okay, then.. this baby - beautiful in its own way, is not beautiful in the aesthetic way... I should have been more "P.C."
Is there any way they can put that one back in for a little while? I don't think it's done yet.
It looks like a cross between W.C. Fields and a shar-pei. And a croissant.
That gin blossom having mofo
Ok-- eeeew!
My eyes hurt and I'll never be able to sleep again
I'm telling you, it looks just like Mr. Magoo, not the Leslie Nielsen one either... I'm talking about those old cartoons based off Bob Backus' voice of Mr. Magoo...
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